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Attention: Product Launchers!


Picture this: Two guys walk into a party. Both are attractive, well-groomed and dressed in the fashion of the day. Both are invited guests. 

Fast forward two hours. One man, we’ll call Rich, is surrounded by a group of people, all of them laughing, talking, connecting with him and each other. 

The other, we’ll call Dwayne, is standing alone in a corner, drink in hand, watching the group around Rich with eyes narrowed by a bit of envy. 

What is the difference between the two? 

Why is one in the middle of a group of happy people, connecting and having a good time, exchanging numbers and plans for more get-togethers, and the other standing alone in the corner? 

We’ll get to more on this later but just know this is not a story for how to be well-liked at parties.

This is a story about your PLF style product launch and why it’s not performing the way you had hoped it would and what you can do to fix it. 

What Is Wrong With This...Launch?

Launching a product is like being invited to a party—an important party. 

Just like getting ready for that big party, you may have spent weeks (or months) preparing your product launch. 

You’ve followed your launch plan, all the pieces are in place, or so you think. 

Then the big day—“Open Cart”—arrives. 

You are SO excited.

But, instead of the flurry of orders you expected, your sales are...not happening.

Instead of watching your counter rack up dozens, or hundreds—or even thousands—of orders...


By the time “Close Cart” happens, you feel deflated. As flat as your sales. 

You are discouraged. Maybe even a little defeated. 

You’ve shown up to the party, dressed and ready to go, but nobody is hanging around. 

You want to be a Rich, but instead you’re a Dwayne. 

Instead of standing out in the crowd, it feels like your business is standing alone in the corner, watching the party happen without you.

You might be wondering whether your launch efforts were worth it.

As post-launch shock and frustration set in, you could even be considering leaving the party, perhaps thinking, “Well, I tried that and it didn’t work. I guess I’m not cut out for this.”

Are You Making These Mistakes In Your Launch Copy?

Most likely, the problem isn’t you, or your product, OR even your prospects and customers. 

The problem could lie with your launch copy. 

It’s not enough just to show up and “do” a launch and hope somebody, or lots of somebodies, notice you.


You have to do everything it takes to really connect with the people you want to attract. 

But how do you do this? 

You have to write copy that sells. That is the definition of great copy. 

And...great copy is the basic foundation of all profitable marketing communications, including PLF style product launches. 

Honestly answer the following questions to yourself about your launch copy:

  • Do you know who your ideal client is for this product?

  • You should have a CRYSTAL CLEAR picture of who your ideal clients are, what they want, and how your product helps them.

  • Did you clearly state your offer?

  • Does your copy concentrate only on the “stuff”—products or services or deliverables—rather than on the outcome or transformation your client will experience in your copy?

  • Do the testimonials or case studies you use show the transformation?

  • How do you “land the plane” for your clients? Do you show specific vs. general; concrete vs. abstract; verifiable; tangible; measurable?

  •  Are you using mental triggers at each stage in your copy?

  •  Could the “curse of knowledge” be robbing you of clarity in your problem-solution path?

It’s Tempting Just To Settle For Copy That’s “Good Enough”.

Product launches have a TON of moving parts. 

Great copy is just one of them. 

All of them take a lot of time.

Maybe you don’t have the time, the team, or the expertise to write great copy. 

You might not like to write copy, or aren’t good at it. Perhaps feel like you shouldn’t even have a pen in your hand, so-to-speak. 

**The temptation for many product launchers is to settle for copy that is “good enough.”**

Copy that is easy to write yourself, that you “hope” is effective, and doesn’t take “too much time,” or cost too much. 

And because you keep “hoping,” your launch is suffering, underperforming, standing all alone in the corner like Dwayne. 

You’re Going To Have To Fix Your Launch Copy Or...Your Launch Could Fail.

You really want a product launch that sells your product or service, puts cash in your pocket, helps turn your customers into loyal fans and grows your business.

Don’t let your dreams (and all the hard work you’ve put into it) of a successful launch and profitable business die, all for the lack of the right words. 

The hard truth is, if you made the mistake of missing even ONE of the above list in your copy, your launch could under-perform your expectations, and maybe even fail.

And, while the above are some of the most common mistakes you can make in product launch copy, there are many others that are just as vital that aren’t listed here. 

In a launch world where you are literally one in a million, can you afford to to have your launches continue to underperform—or even fail—because your copy isn’t on point?

What Your Really Want Is For People To Be Talking About Your Launch…A YEAR From Now.

Reality Check: if you continue neglecting your copy, your launches won’t succeed. 

But…that doesn’t have to be the reality for your business. 

I can help.

Now you can leverage my expertise, experience, and skill as a Ray Edwards Certified Copywriter to make your launch successful by transforming your copy.

How I Help Your Launch Become “The Life Of The Party.”

Imagine launch copy that is your thoughts, your words, about your business, to your avatar—only better.


 Copy that you KNOW reveals your “crushing offer” and that is aligned with what your ideal customer wants and makes buying easy for them.

Copy that highlights the total transformation your product gives your customer and 

“lands the plane” for them. 

Copy that creates a CLEAR “Problem-Solution Path” that leads your avatar to

eagerly click “buy” at “Open Cart.”

What would that kind of copy do for your launch—for your business?

Work with me to:

  • Start speaking your customers' language and “land the plane” for your customers and prospects.

  • Get the copy your launch needs to create those powerful connections with your customers and prospects that lead to sales.

  • Revitalize your current copy through a review or rewrite with highly-trained, fresh eyes.

  • Elevate your message and bring it to the world—in other words, LAUNCH your product!!

Life Of The Party Or…Launch Wallflower?

The secret to Rich’s success in the story above is simple. 

He listened to what others had to say, began speaking their language and engaging with what was important to them. 

He attracted more and more people until he became the center of attention in all the right ways, for all the right reasons. 

Dwayne, on the other hand, thought that if he “just showed up” that would be “good enough” to get noticed. 

You see where that led him—to the corner using “hope marketing” as his way to engage.

Don’t be a Dwayne. You can keep getting the same results you are currently experiencing, spiraling into stagnation—or worse. 

Or, you can do something different. Remember, to get something new, you have to do something different. 

The bottom line is: Great copy launches products.  

Making a strong sales pitch in copywriting isn’t “pushy” or “sleazy”. 

Sales is what gets your message out to the world. 

In fact, the best copy attracts your best customers to you.

The secrets of Rich’s success can be yours as well. It is time to decide whether you’re going to become the life of the party or launch wallflower. The choice is yours. 

If you want to: 

  • Get better launch results with high-quality, persuasive copy, or

  • Revitalize your current launch copy with a review or audit, or

  •  Find the right person to write the words that bring your message to your ideal audience 


And set up your web-based consultation and talk about your launch’s copywriting needs and next steps for exceeding expectations. 

I can’t wait to speak with you!



 Influence. In the beginning was the Word. I have long believed in the power of the written word to change the world and transform lives. 

Affect. The most exciting thing to me is to influence the world for good. I want to use my gifts and talents to encourage and influence the most people, for the most good, as I can in this short life I’ve been given.

 Impact. Impact without good affect is just a car wreck. Copywriting offers me the best opportunity to create maximum impact with good affect. It’s really as simple as that. 

Product Luancher